Student Affairs Leadership

Keri Alioto, Vice-President for Student Affairs and Title IX Coordinator

Beth Felch, Dean of Student Success

Hannah Sternig, Directorof Student Life

Dan Brauer, Director of Public Safety

Vickie LeFlore, Director of the Promise Program

Natalie Balleto, Director of Athletics,

Erik Lee, American Dining Creations Manager

Student Affairs Staff

Jackie Wells, Director of Accessiblity Services

Rezonn Dahlin-Klein, Career Development Specialist (Title III)

Michelle Smalley, Director of Learning Services

Hilary Lobenstein, Success Advisor

Connie Guererro, Success Advisor

Huelmely De Jesus, Promise Coach

Yee Yang, Promise Coach

Catie Kocian, Associate Director of Student Engagement


Markie Hopkins, Assistant Director of Residence Life