• Title IX/VAWA Compliance

    Mount Mary University supports all students including students who are pregnant and parenting. Title IX protections are available for students who are pregnant or have a pregnancy related condition. To seek assistance with these protections please reach out to Title IX officers at mmu-titleixcoordinator@mtmary.edu 

    Title IX Rights Handout.pdf

    Mount Mary University (“MMU” or “the university”), sponsored by the School Sisters of Notre Dame, is a Catholic, women’s university, which admits men in certain programs. In the Catholic tradition of caring and respect, Mount Mary is committed to being an inclusive community that educates students from diverse circumstances. 

    Transgender Policy.pdf

    Mount Mary University (“University”) promotes an atmosphere of care and respect grounded in the University’s core values, Christian principles, and mission to develop the whole person.  As such, the University does not discriminate on the basis of sex in any of its education or employment programs or activities. Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972 (“Title IX”), its regulations, and certain other federal and state laws prohibit discrimination in such a manner. Under Title IX, discrimination on the basis of sex includes sexual harassment.

    Title IX’s requirement not to discriminate in any of the University’s education programs or activities applies to both students and employees and extends to both admission and employment.

    This policy was revised and adopted on 8.1.24.

    FINAL MMU Policy Agasinst Sex-Based Discrimination and Harassment 7.24.24.pdf
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  • Vaccines

    Wisconsin state law (Wis. Stat. section 252.09) requires that Mount Mary University provide all students with information on the risks associated with Meningococcal disease and Hepatitis B. 

    Hepatitis B Vaccine_Info Sheet.pdf

    Wisconsin state law (Wis. Stat. section 252.09) requires that Mount Mary University provide all students with information on the risks associated with Meningococcal disease and Hepatitis B.

    Meningococcal Vaccines_Info Sheet.pdf
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  • Campus Emergency Response

    Emergency Response Plan_MountMaryUniversity_1018.pdf
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  • Other Policy Information

    The Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989 (amends the Higher Education Act)20 U.S.C. § 1011i;34 C.F.R. § 86.1 et seq.; 55 Fed. Reg. 33,580 (Aug. 16, 1990)


    This law requires institutions receiving federal financial assistance to establish drug and alcohol abuse prevention programs for students and employees. Students and employees must receive materials annually that contain standards of conduct, a description of the various laws that apply in that jurisdiction regarding alcohol and drugs, a description of the various health risks of drug and alcohol abuse, a description of counseling and treatment programs that are available, and a statement on the sanctions the university will impose for a violation of the standards of conduct.

    Alcohol and Other Drugs Notification.docx
    Residence Hall Network Supported Devices - Fall 2016.pdf
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